Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a popular procedure, most often done on the face, neck and hands and can remove wrinkles on the face, scars, bad pigmentation and precancerous skin areas. Superficial peel is done with alphahydroxy acids, sometimes – betahydroxy acids. The concentration of ingredients is varying, depending on the depth of treatment; acids used are not very strong, compared to other types of chemical peel.

This type of treatment usually takes from fifteen to thirty minutes. Couple of weeks before the treatment, doctor can ask you to use a facial treatment that has trans-retinoic acid in it.
Usually, superficial peels only treat epidermis – that’s why the results are less significant, comparing to other types of chemical peel. Chemical solution destroys the outer layers of skin, causing them to fall off. Healing process starts, creating new skin layers as well as starting production of collagen and elastin. After the treatment, some redness or irritation is to be expected.

Skin will be sensitive to sunlight, so it is important to wear UVA and UVB protection as it heals. Superficial peels usually produce less significant results, compared to medium or deep peels, but the risks are also significantly less.